If you wish to cancel due to your circumstances, please complete the cancellation form below.
The date and time cannot be changed after your reservation.
If you wish to change them, please cancel your reservation and purchase another ticket.
- Caution
- Cancel request will be accepted up to 48 hours (2 days) before on the day of your visit. Cancel request after the acceptance period cannot be accepted.
- Please ensure you can receive emails from "ticket.e-tix.jp@etix.com" "support@etix.com".
- There is no cancellation fee.
- Cancellation is applicable on each order level. If you order multiple tickets with one order, all tickets will be cancelled.
- Please note that cancelling the cancel request is not possible.
- If you cancel paid admission ticket, the ticket fees will be refunded through your credit card.
- Cancellation procedure
- (1) Enter the "email address" used when applying for the numbered ticket and "order number" on the cancellation form.
- (2) "Self-Service refund confirmation" email will be sent. *The cancellation procedure has not been completed yet.
- (3) Open the URL delivered in the "Self-Service refund confirmation".
- (4) The order details to cancel will be displayed.
- (5) After confirming the details of the order, submit cancel.
- (6) Confirmation page will be displayed, the cancellation procedure is complete. "Cancel Confirmation" email will be sent.
Click here for cancellation form